Saturday, September 22, 2012

Looking For Your First Overseas Contract? Here Are Some Tips To Have a Successful Summer

The summer of 2012 will be upon us before we know it and like every year hundreds of players will be getting exposure to hopefully gain a professional basketball contract.  You need to be prepared when the opportunities present themselves to get a shot at gaining a contract.  Players that don't have the talent or the work ethic get exposed quickly in a camp of quality players and will generally have a poor experience.  These are some tips I have learned after spending 4 years talking to players, agents and scouts that put you in a position to succeed.
1. Remember an Agent Works for You, So Hire One
There are a lot of guys I talk to who do not hire an agent after they come out of college.  This is not a smart move because odds are good the player doesn't know many overseas coaches or where to get the best exposure.  A good agent should have a history of getting players contracts overseas or domestically, should consistently keep you in the loop about where negotiations stand, and should put you in a position to succeed.  Remember an agent works for you so ask a lot of questions and don't let them sweet talk you.  Would you want someone with no experience to be responsible for your professional future?

2. Do Not Have a Sense of Entitlement
Occasionally I will come across a player or two that have become used to getting things for free.  They assume that because they were a decent college player that people are going to come knocking down their doors with free things.  The only players that really get admission to exposure events for free are those that had tremendous careers at BCS conference schools or well traveled veteran players.  Don't assume that you should go to camps or get free work done for you just because that was the way it was in high school or college.  You are in the professional ranks and this is now a business where you are competing for contracts.  People don't want to help out others that act like spoiled brats.  

3. Research Professional Exposure Camps Before Going to Them
While I recruit for our exposure camps I meet players with varying views of exposure camps.  This may have been because they invested $250 on a camp where maybe only 2-3 scouts showed up.  They may have only gotten a 1-2 game guarantee on an overly bloated roster of players which doesn't allow you to show off your skills.  Make sure the camps you are looking for give you an adequate chance to show off your skills (at least 2-3 games), keep the rosters at 10 players or below, bring in several scouts to watch you play and give you a chance to get your video online from the camp.  (An average camp should cost you anywhere from $200-$400 for entrance, not including travel and lodging.)

4. Get a Passport
How are you supposed to play overseas without a passport.  You would think this is a no-brainer but I run into players all the time that want to go overseas but haven't gotten around to getting a passport.  Take care of the basics before you take that leap of faith to go all in for reaching your dream.

5. Get Your Game Tape From Where You Played Last and Get It Online
Gather some game tape from the place where you last played (whether college or professional) and get the tape online.  For years players have been mailing out DVD's to overseas teams, but that gets costly after the first few times and it takes weeks to get there.  Find a way to get a highlight tape AND full length game tape online so you can hit teams that are interested in you with a link rather than going to the post office.

6. Surround Yourself With Positive People
Make sure the people around you are people that are helping you reach your dream.  There has been a long standing history in sports of people that just grab onto you because they think they can benefit out of your success.  You don't need distractions, it is hard enough to get a contract (especially at the guard positions.)

7. Have a Good Personality At All Times, Especially When a Scout Maybe Watching
Scouts watch you from the time you step inside to the time you leave.  They want guys that will not be a headache off the court in addition to a player that will help them win.  Being a good teammate, someone that is easily to get along with and generally keeps working hard towards team success will go a long way towards getting in their good graces.  Be vocal yelling out picks and screens while also setting up other teammates for success.  You have to find a balance between being a little selfish with the ball and playing good team basketball.

8. Make Contacts and Use Any Advantage You Have
Playing professional basketball is just like any profession, it is who you know.  Knowing a lot of players, agents and coaches will go a long ways towards helping you to gain a contract.  You can be a good player, but if you never go out of your way to meet people that could potentially help you down the line it maybe all for not.  Go to legitimate camps to shake hands, exchange contact info and create a bond.  I tell players that on the court it is an audition but off the court it is a job fair. Also look into dual citizenship as if you qualify for citizenship in another country you become more valuable because you do not count against their cap of foreign players in the country you qualify. 

9. Treat Your Body Like a Tool
Get the proper amount of sleep, work hard on the court and in the gym and eat the right food.  No one wants a sloppy looking player with a raw game.  Scouts want to see guys that know how to present themselves and could keep up with the current team's conditioning level.  Just like how a race car driver puts a lot of care into his car, you need to do this with your body.  Set goals in the gym working on your game, hire a trainer that can motivate you, get 7+ hours of sleep a night and ask for advice on the right food to eat.

10. Don't Expect You Can Sit Back All Summer and a Team Will Call You
You have to be proactive meeting people and attending events to put yourself in a position to succeed.  If you don't have a real connection with a team already sending game tape and resumes probably won't help.  Try to find an agent early and work as a team to get you a contract.  He should be making connections and you should be giving him/her a great product to market to teams.  If you sit at home all summer, don't attend events, don't put game tape online and don't hire an agent how are you ever supposed to go overseas?  It is like assuming because you had a 3.8 GPA that companies should be calling you with a job offer without you sending out resumes or going to job fairs.

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